

Yay for 2011! Before I talk about our anticipations for 2011, I want to go over accomplishments from 2010.
The year started out rough for my sister and I in January with a move. This wasn't something planned, more of a last minute, shoot-it-from-the-hip decision to get out of a situation that was bringing me down. My wonderful sister saw and understood what I was going through and supported me 100%. Life was going good, but got even better... I should say, my eyes were opened.

Nathan and I first met in 2009 when I started working at Best Buy. He was tall, handsome, had the long skater hair and the most gorgeous smile. At the time is was merely an innocent friendship, just casual "hellos" and the occasional short conversation. There were times when I thought him and his younger brother Westley, were the same person. They had the same hairstyle and from far away (and over the shelves) they looked similar. It was really funny because my friend Tasha and I used to talk about him all the time and just how cute he was. Later on, we started hanging with mutual friends from work at a bar in Old Sac for "Thirsty Thursdays". The bar scene wasn't usually my thing, but hey I was single and I had my partner in crime with me, Amanda.

Nathan's birthday just so happened to fall on a Thursday, so everyone went out that night! I left (only to come back later) the Old Sac bar to go another spot with the group I was with and had missed Nathan and his group by about 5 minutes. I was truly bummed I didnt get to see the birthday boy, and made a valiant effort to make it back to the Old Sac bar. Sure enough, when I arrived just a little after 12:30 am, Nathan was there and shammered! He was trying to drink 24 drinks in honor of turning 24. His count was at 20 when I got there, with 21 and 22 in his hand. Needless to say those drinks were never finished, as our friends called it quits for the evening and offered to drive me home. We crammed into the backseat, Nathan in the middle, myself and Westley on either side. After 5 minutes in the car (if that) Nathan had to puke, and instead of choosing me, he puked on Westley. That is the night I will always remember as the day Nathan Warren almost puked on me. I joke with him to this day that we probably wouldnt be together today if he had chosen my side of the car.

A couple weeks later (after he recovered from the night, of course) Nathan invited Amanda and I to go out with his brother and friend to Second Saturday. The next day was Valentines Day, a day I had talked so badly about that evening. I came home that day to find flowers on my doorstep, no note. I later found out the flowers were from him, and I was still clueless as to his feelings for me. A week or so later he asked me on a "date" (I still say he asked if I wanted to "hang out", but Nathan will debate you) so I went into it thinking we were just hanging out. In return, I got a delicious Italian dinner at Cafe Italia in Davis and some play time in the park. How did he know my idea of a perfect date?

Anyway, the rest is history. I'm fortunate to have met the love of my life in 2010. And the best part? He loves me back. I've never met such a caring, selfless, loving person like him. He's silly and makes me laugh, and knows how to console me when I've had a rough day. We connect on such an intimate level, I've never known that before. This man has my love and my heart forever <3

On top of finding each other, we each got a new job (and a raise) in 2010! He's the Supervisor of Geek Squad and I am a police dispatcher at CSUS. Making our schedules work together is tough and emotionally taxing at times but I know it only makes us stronger. We went to a few Giants games and even squeezed in a trip to Disneyland! Well, thanks 2010, its been real and its been fun, here's to 2011 being really fun!

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